RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) - Author Clyde Farris makes his television debut, discussing his new book, ‘Etiquette for The Black Man’ a self help guide to help young black males achieve success in life and relationships with Cheryl Miller.
“Things I Have to Talk About” with Host Clyde Farris In this installment host Clyde Farris sits down with Rev. A. Lincoln James Jr., pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Richmond, VA to discuss what makes a good preacher. The phone lines are closed however, we would still like to hear you comment.
At last, a book for and about black males that urges them to take responsibility for their actions. Etiquette for the Black Man is a self-help book that provides a path for personal improvement. It relies on Biblical principles, courteous manners, and common sense to teach BLACK MEN of all ages how to live a better life.
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